UP Board Books
Active Rasayan Vigyan Part-1 (रसायन विज्ञान भाग-1) Class 11 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
Active Bhautik Vigyan Part-1 (भौतिक विज्ञान भाग-1) Class 11 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
Active Vigyan (विज्ञान) Class 10 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Practical/Project Work and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
विषय - सूची –
1.रासायनिक अभिक्रियाएँ एवं समीकरण
(Chemical Reactions and Equations)
2.अम्ल, क्षारक एवं लवण
(Acids, Bases and Salts)
3.धातु एवं अधातु
(Metals and Non-metals)
4.कार्बन एवं उसके यौगिक
(Carbon and its Compounds)
5.जैव प्रक्रम
(Life Processes)
6.नियन्त्रण एवं समन्वय
(Control and Coordination)
7.जीव जनन कैसे करते हैं
(How do Organisms Reproduce)
9.प्रकाश-परावर्तन तथा अपवर्तन
(Light: Reflection and Refraction)
10.मानव नेत्र तथा रंगबिरंगा संसार
(Human Eye and Colourful World)
12.विद्युत धारा के चुम्बकीय प्रभाव
(Magnetic Effects of Electric Current)
13.हमारा पर्यावरण
(Our Environment)
प्रयोगात्मक एवं प्रोजेक्ट कार्य
नमूना प्रशन-पत्र एवं OMR आन्सर शीट
Active Samajik vigyan (सामाजिक विज्ञान) Class 10 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Project Work/Activity and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
विषय - सूची –
इकाई-1:भारत और समकालीन विशव - 2 (इकाई)
खण्ड-1 : घटनाएँ और प्रक्रियाएँ
1.यूरोप मैं राष्ट्र्वाद का उदय
2.भारत में राष्ट्र्वाद
खण्ड-2 : जीविका, अर्थव्यवस्था एवं समाज
3.भूमण्डलीकृत विशव का बनना
4.औद्योगीकरण का युग
खण्ड-3 : रोजाना की ज़िन्दगी, संस्कृति और राजनीती
5.मुद्रण संस्कृति और आधुनिक दुनिया
- मानचित्र सम्बन्धी प्रशन
इकाई-2:समकालीन भारत-2 (भूगोल)
1.संसाधन एव विकास
2.वन एव वन्य जीव संसाधन
3.जल संसाधन
5.खनिज तथा ऊर्जा संसाधन
6.विनिर्माण उधोग
7.राष्ट्रीय अर्थव्यवस्था की जीवन रेखाएँ
इकाई-3:लोकतान्त्रिक राजनीति-2 ( नागरिक शास्त्र)
1.सत्ता की साझेदारी
3.जाती , धर्म और लैंगिक मसले
4.राजनीतिक दल
5.लोकतन्त्र के परिणाम
इकाई-4:आर्थिक विकास की समझ (अर्थशास्त्र)
2.भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के क्षेत्रक
3.मुद्रा और साख
4.वैश्वीकरण और भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था
5.उपभोक्ता अधिकार
- प्रोजेक्ट कार्य / गतिविधि
- नमूना प्रशन-पत्र एवं OMR आन्सर शीट
Active Mathematics Class 10 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Project Work and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
Contents –
1.Real Numbers
3.A Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
4.Quadratic Equations
5.Arithmetic Progressions
7.Coordinate Geometry
8.Introduction of Trigonometry
9.Some Applications of Trigonometry
11.Areas Related to Circles
12.Surface Areas and Volumes
-Project Work
-Sample Question Paper and OMR Answer Sheet
Active Lekhashastra Class 11 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook)
Active Mathematics (English Medium) Class 11 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook)
Active bhautik vigyan Part -2 (भौतिक विज्ञान भाग-2) Class 12 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
Uttrakhand Board Books
Active Vigyan (विज्ञान) Class 10 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Practical/Project Work and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
विषय - सूची –
1.रासायनिक अभिक्रियाएँ एवं समीकरण
(Chemical Reactions and Equations)
2.अम्ल, क्षारक एवं लवण
(Acids, Bases and Salts)
3.धातु एवं अधातु
(Metals and Non-metals)
4.कार्बन एवं उसके यौगिक
(Carbon and its Compounds)
5.जैव प्रक्रम
(Life Processes)
6.नियन्त्रण एवं समन्वय
(Control and Coordination)
7.जीव जनन कैसे करते हैं
(How do Organisms Reproduce)
9.प्रकाश-परावर्तन तथा अपवर्तन
(Light: Reflection and Refraction)
10.मानव नेत्र तथा रंगबिरंगा संसार
(Human Eye and Colourful World)
12.विद्युत धारा के चुम्बकीय प्रभाव
(Magnetic Effects of Electric Current)
13.हमारा पर्यावरण
(Our Environment)
प्रयोगात्मक एवं प्रोजेक्ट कार्य
नमूना प्रशन-पत्र एवं OMR आन्सर शीट
Active Bhautik Vigyan Part-2 (भौतिक विज्ञान भाग-2) Class 11 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
Active Hindi Class 11 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook)
Active Samanya Hindi Class 11 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook)
Active Rasayan Vigyan Part-1 (रसायन विज्ञान भाग-1) Class 11 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
Active Ganit (गणित) Class 9 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Project Work and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
विषय - सूची –
1.संख्या पद्धति
(Number System)
3.निर्देशक ज्यामिति
(Coordinate Geometry)
4.दो चरों वाले रैखिक समीकरण
(Linear Equations in Two Variables)
5.यूकिलड की ज्यामिति का परिचय
(Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry)
6.रेखाएँ और कोण
(Lines and Angles)
10.हीरोन का सूत्र
(Heron’s Formula)
11.पृष्ठीय क्षेत्रफल और आयतन
(Surface Areas and Volumes)
- उत्तरमाला
- प्रोजेक्ट कार्य
- नामूना प्रशन- पत्र एवं OMR आन्सर- शीट
Active Ganit Part -1 (गणित भाग-1) Class 12 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
Active Lekhashastra Class 12 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
Active English Class 10 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Internal Assessment and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
Contents –
FIRST FLIGHT (prose and Poetry)
1.A Letter to God (G.L. Fuentes)
Dust of Snow (Robert Frost)
Fire and Ice (Robert Frost)
2.Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela)
A Tiger in the Zoo (Leslie Norris)
3.Two Stories About Flying
I. His First Flight (Liam O’ Flaherty)
II. Black Aeroplane (Frederick Forsyth)
How to Tell Wild Animals (Carolyn Wells)
The Ball Poem (John Berryman)
4.From the Diary of Anne Frank (Anne Frank)
Amanda! (Robin Klein)
5.Glimpses of India
I. A Baker from Goa (Lucio Rodrigues)
II. Coorg (Lokesh Abrol)
III. Tea from Assam (Arup Kumar Datta)
The Trees (Adrienne Rich)
6.Mijbil the Otter (Gavin Maxwell)
Fog (Carl Sandburg)
7.Madam Rides the Bus (Vallikkannan)
The Tale of Custard the Dragon (Ogden Nash)
8.The Sermon at Benares (Source: Betty Renshaw)
For Anne Gregory (William Butler Yeats)
9. The Proposal (Anton Chekhov)
FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET (Supplementary Reader)
1.A Triumph of Surgery (James Herriot)
2.The Thief’s Story (Ruskin Bond)
3.The Midnight Visitor (Robert Arthur)
4.A Question of Trust (Victor Canning)
5.Footprints Without Feet (H.G. Wells)
6.The Making of a Scientist (Robert W. Peterson)
7.The Necklace (Guy De Maupassant)
8.Bholi (K.A. Abbas)
9.Bholi (K.A. Abbas)
-Internal Assessment Test
-Sample Question Paper and O.M.R. Answer Sheet
Active Mathematics Class 10 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Project Work and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
Contents –
1.Real Numbers
3.A Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
4.Quadratic Equations
5.Arithmetic Progressions
7.Coordinate Geometry
8.Introduction of Trigonometry
9.Some Applications of Trigonometry
11.Areas Related to Circles
12.Surface Areas and Volumes
-Project Work
-Sample Question Paper and OMR Answer Sheet
Active Mathematics Class 9 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Project Work and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
Contents –
1.Number Systems
3.Coordinate Geometry
4.Linear Equations in Two Variables
5.Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
6.Lines and Angles
10.Heron’s Formula
11.Surface Areas and Volumes
-Answer Sheet
-Project Work
-Sample Question Paper and OMR Answer Sheet
Active Science Class 9 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Practical/Project Work and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
Contents –
1.Matter in Our Surroundings
2.Is Matter Around Us Pure
3.Atoms and Molecules
4.Structure of the Atom
5.The Fundamental Unit of Life
8.Force and Laws of Motion
10.Work and Energy
12.Improvement in Food Resources
-Practical and Project Work
-Sample Question Paper and OMR Answer Sheet
Active Ganit (गणित) Class 9 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Project Work and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
विषय - सूची –
1.संख्या पद्धति
(Number System)
3.निर्देशक ज्यामिति
(Coordinate Geometry)
4.दो चरों वाले रैखिक समीकरण
(Linear Equations in Two Variables)
5.यूकिलड की ज्यामिति का परिचय
(Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry)
6.रेखाएँ और कोण
(Lines and Angles)
10.हीरोन का सूत्र
(Heron’s Formula)
11.पृष्ठीय क्षेत्रफल और आयतन
(Surface Areas and Volumes)
- उत्तरमाला
- प्रोजेक्ट कार्य
- नामूना प्रशन- पत्र एवं OMR आन्सर- शीट
Active Social Science Class 9 NCERT BASED (A Complete Textbook) Paperback
NCERT Based A Complete Textbook includes Project Work/Activity and OMR Answer Sheet, The best book for the students of the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P., based on the Rationalised Textbook published by the NCERT w.e.f, the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards.
Contents –
Section-1: Events and Processes
1.The French Revolution
2.Socialism in Europe and The Russian Revolution
3.Nazism and The Rise of Hitler
Section-2: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies
4.Forest Society and Colonialism
5.Pastoralists in The Modern World
Unit-2: Contemporary India-I (Geography)
1.India: Size and Location
2.Physical Features of India
5.Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
Unit-3: Democratic Politics-I (Civics)
1.What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
2.Constitutional Design
3.Electoral Politics
4.Working of Institutions
5.Democratic Rights
Unit-4: Economics
1.The Story of Village Palampur
2.People As Resource
3.Poverty As A Challenge
4.Food Security in India
-Project Work and Activity
-Sample Question Paper and OMR Answer Sheet