
Active Textbooks Series

An exclusive series of NCERT based easy textbooks designed in an easy, comprehensive and lucid manner which provide a concise plan and a clear path to stride forward with full content in the examinations.


Mastermind Question Banks

Mastermind Question Bank for Classes 9, 10, 11 and 12 in all subjects is designed to update the knowledge and achieve the best possible marks in the examinations.


Chitra: Ek Adhyyan

This is an examination oriented unique book series being published for more than 50 years that provide complete course at a glance for CCS University, HNB Garhwal University and Shri Dev Suman University, Uttarakhand students.


Professional Courses

Chitra Question Bank is a series of books especially designed for students who have opted for professional courses in universities. These are complete resource books to provide updated knowledge in a competitive environment.

“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it focus hot by striking it.”

It is a known fact ‘What you plant now, you will harvest later’

The seed of Chitra Prakashan was planted with deliberation and deep thought because you can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

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